I get it, he was a legend...

Here is my post about Michael Jackson to keep up with everyone else's: I just want a music video on VH1 that is not by Michael Jackson. He has always creeped me out a little. Especially after the nightmare I had when I was 8 of him being my brother and taking my toy from the cereal box. It was traumatizing.


Tasha said...

I'm pretty sure he creeps out everyone.

Andrea said...

I'm just glad people are spelling his name right. Not that I care all that much about him, but my brother's name is Michael, and I think 90% of the times I see that name written on the internet, it's spelled "Micheal." Even my *grandma* used to misspell my poor brother's name. It gets old. So maybe now with all this publicity, some people will learn how to spell it.

Yeah, I'm weird, I know.

Also, I find it amusing that your URL is "theonlylastingthingyoucancreate", because I'm watching that special on the History Channel right now, about what would happen to the earth if all the humans disappeared, and apparently, it's nothing...

Okay, done now.

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